Technical Due Diligence

Empowering IT Performance through Platform Maturity Assessment
Technical Due Diligence

In today's rapidly evolving IT environment, I understand that understanding your platform's maturity is critical for success and effective management. My expert assessment provides actionable insights to optimize your IT performance, ensuring alignment with your business goals.

I also collaborate with consultant companies to offer a comprehensive solution when a broader assessment beyond just technology is required.

My Approach

  • Comprehensive Evaluation: I will gain a deep understanding of your current architecture, planned enhancements, and technological needs.
  • Status Quo Analysis: I will assess your architecture and infrastructure on a code level point of view.
  • Future Viability Assessment: I will focus on scalability, extensibility, and maintainability to ensure your platform can adapt to changing needs.
  • Critical Success Factors: My proven methodology leverages a combination of documentation reviews, expert interviews, and deep-dive code analysis.
  • Software Lifecycle Focus: I will evaluate your IT architecture against industry-standard Software Quality Assessment criteria (ISO 25010) and proven maturity artifacts.

Software Quality Assessment

I will conduct a thorough assessment of your IT architecture, evaluating its alignment with your specific business requirements and future goals. This assessment will leverage the Software Quality Assessment framework, incorporating the principles of ISO 25010 and industry-proven maturity artifacts. By analyzing your software's functional suitability, performance efficiency, compatibility, usability, reliability, security, maintainability, and portability, I will provide a clear picture of its current state and potential areas for improvement

Software Quality Assessment
Software Quality Assessment

To ensure the assessment is focused and impactful, we will collaborate to define the scope, prioritizing areas of critical importance to your business. This will allow us to tailor the evaluation and recommendations to your specific needs and objectives.

My goal is to ensure your software not only meets current needs but is also positioned for long-term success. I will provide you with a clear roadmap and actionable steps to enhance your software's quality, reliability, and adaptability.

Assessment Architecture Maturity
Assessment Architecture Maturity