Tech Startup Investment Risk Mitigation

Software Quality Wheel

As an investor, you know the thrill of backing a promising startup. But you've also experienced the frustration of tech projects gone wrong, especially in today's world where everything is sold as "AI".This leads to missed opportunities and lost investments. My Tech Due Diligence service is designed to reduce those risks, identifying true capabilities and potential pitfalls.

What I offer

  • In-depth technical assessment: I'll scrutinize the startup's technology strategy, architecture, and development practices, ensuring they're scalable, maintainable, and aligned with their business objectives.
  • Team evaluation: I'll gauge the technical capabilities of the founding team and key developers, ensuring they have the expertise to execute their vision.
  • Code review: My experience with enterprise-level codebases enables me to identify not just surface-level bugs but also deeper architectural issues that could impact scalability and maintainability down the line.
  • Progress validation: I've seen firsthand how misalignment between technical reality and marketing hype can derail projects. I'll leverage my practical insights to provide a clear-eyed assessment of the startup's actual progress versus their claims.
  • Clear, actionable report: My reports won't just be theoretical. I'll provide concrete, actionable recommendations grounded in my real-world experience, empowering you to make informed investment decisions.
  • Ongoing mentorship and support: Beyond consulting, I'll offer hands-on guidance based on my experience in navigating the complexities of large-scale tech implementations. I'll help the startup's team avoid common pitfalls, anticipate challenges, and build a sustainable development process.
Startup Assessment Roadmap
Startup Assessment Roadmap

Why choose me

  • Experienced tech professional: I'm a seasoned IT expert with a track record of successful project delivery and tech due diligence in big companies.
  • Investor-focused approach: I understand your concerns and priorities, and I'll tailor my reviews to provide the information you need most.
  • Confidential and unbiased: I maintain strict confidentiality and provide objective assessments, free from any conflicts of interest.
  • Startup Mentor: I have hands-on experience mentoring startups, giving me unique insights into their common challenges and pitfalls.
Report of Technology Assessment
Report of Technology Assessment

My featured Blogs from my Startup Journeys

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A Smart Start for Startups